Mago and Night Guard Care

It is essential that you wear your appliance as prescribed by Dr. Bauer. Typically a MAGO is worn 24/7 for maximum therapeutic effect, while a night guard is worn while sleeping.

Proper MAGO / Night Guard care includes:

  1. Remove and brushing your appliance with a small amount of toothpaste twice a day. This eliminates food, plaque, stain and odors from the appliance.

  2. Hold your appliance over a countertop or towel while cleaning so as not to drop, which could damage the appliance.

  3. Keep appliance away from pets. They have a tendency to chew on them!

  4. Ensure that all debris is removed from your appliance prior to placing it in your mouth to ensure it is properly in place.

  5. DO NOT place your appliance in the dishwasher, boiling water or microwave for disinfecting. Use Listerine or comparable mouthwash. Soak for 10 minutes to disinfect when you’ve had a cold or have dropped it. Always brush it first.

  6. Should you need to remove your appliance from your mouth for any length of time, please place it in the provided container to protect it.

  7. Should you have any problems with the fit of your appliance, do not make adjustments yourself. Call our office, as Dr. Bauer is happy to make adjustments for you.

  8. Should you hear any loud popping from your jaw while wearing the appliance or your bite changes, please contact Dr. Bauer immediately.