Instructions to Prepare for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Preparing for Third Molar Extraction
(Removal of Wisdom Teeth) with Sedation

  1. Our office will call you approximately two days prior to the surgery day with pre-op instructions.

  2. Prescriptions will be called in approximately two days prior to surgery. These will include: an antibiotic, a steroid to help with swelling, and pain medication.

  3. The antibiotics and steroid medication should be started the morning of the appointment. You will take 1 pill of the antibiotic and the first dose, of 2 pills, of the Medrol Dose Pak (steroid) with just enough water to swallow the pill. Pain medication will be started after the surgery (make sure to have something on your stomach before taking pain medication).

  4. Increase water intake the day before surgery. This will hydrate you and make your IV go smoother!

  5. Please have NOTHING to eat or drink after midnight the day of the surgery.

  6. You will need a family member or friend to stay with you, drive you home, and stay with you until you have fully recovered from the effects of the sedation.

  7. NO driving until the following day. They will be under effects of the sedation for the remainder of the day.

  8. NO drinking carbonated beverages and NO use of a straw for 24 hours after surgery.

  9. Examples of food and drinks to have after surgery are: yogurt, jello, ice cream, Boost drinks, milk shakes, Gatorade.