Instructions Following Wisdom Teeth Extraction

  1. Begin eating food as soon as possible after surgery! This will calm the effects of the anesthesia and help lessen nausea associated with pain medication.

  2. Drink plenty of fluids.

  3. Start your pain medication as soon as you get home, before the numbness subsides. This will help you stay comfortable longer after surgery. To avoid nausea, make sure to have something on your stomach before you take your medication.

  4. Food and drink should be room temperature or cooler for 24 hours following surgery. Warm foods will encourage increased swelling of the area.

  5. Keep head elevated throughout the day and first evening.

  6. Small amounts of bleeding may continue off and on for as long as 72 hours. Reminder: saliva mixing with the blood may make the bleeding look more intense.

  7. No physical activity for three days. This will keep your blood pressure down and tissues still, as they are trying to settle down.

  8. Sedation affects everyone differently. Please have someone monitor the patient to avoid injuries until the patient has completely regained all physical senses.

  9. Please take all medications as prescribed. Skipping dosages or doubling up on medication may have serious side effects.

  10. Should you have questions regarding healing or complications, please contact the office for further instruction. After hour calls are answered by the doctor on call.

Dr. Jeff Bauer—Emergency Phone: (254) 744-5824

Dr. Mark Boren—Emergency Phone: (214) 463-1009