Instructions Following Oral Surgery

  1. Keep pressure on the area(s) with moist gauze for 1-2 hours. Replace the gauze every ½ hour during this time. A small amount of bleeding usually occurs through the same day of surgery and perhaps the following day. If the bleeding is excessive, call Dr. Bauer. Avoid strenuous activity to reduce the risk of prolonged bleeding.

  2. AVOID peroxide, alcohol, carbonated beverages, and smoking for at least 24 hours. Also, avoid spitting hard and drinking through a straw, as both of these can dislodge the blood clots in the surgery site. Mouthwashes should be avoided for 5-7 days unless prescribed by Dr. Bauer. Brushing of teeth is encouraged, except in the surgery site. Your tongue may also be brushed to remove any blood on it.

  3. When prescribed, take medications within 1-2 hours after the surgery. Medications may be repeated as indicated on the prescription label for discomfort. Never take any medications on an empty stomach.

  4. To avoid injury to self or to others, please do not operate heavy machinery or drive any vehicle while under the influence of prescription narcotic medications.

  5. After surgery, it is important for the healing process that fluids be replenished in the body. It is recommended to drink: fruit juice, tea, Kool-Aid, water, milkshakes, breakfast drinks, or sports drinks. Eating a balanced diet is important during the first several days also. Soups and soft foods will be your main diet the first few days following surgery. Gradually progress to solid foods. Don’t skip meals. If you take in nourishment regularly, you’ll feel better, gain strength, have less discomfort and heal faster.

  6. If you experience nausea, it is likely from your pain medication. Rest will usually help until the nausea is relieved. If it is persistent, please call Dr. Bauer.

Helpful Hint: Place and old towel down on any furniture or bedding to prevent bloodstains while lying down.