Implant Care

Dental Implants Post-Surgery Instructions

The following points of information are provided to maximize the success rate of surgical implants during the healing period. The healing period is typically 3 months.

  1. Smoking is strongly discouraged during the healing of the dental implant. Now is a good time to quit! Smoking can keep the tissue around the implant from healing properly.

  2. No alcohol during the first week as the tissue is healing around the implant. This includes mouth rinses that contain alcohol.

  3. Avoid any metal objects from coming in contact with any exposed implant parts during the healing period. This could create a light electrical anomaly that could hinder healing.

  4. Avoid any electric toothbrushes in the area during the healing period. Please use a regular toothbrush. During the first few days, avoid brushing around the tissues of the implant, as they will be sore.

  5. Hard food, such as potato chips, pretzels, nuts, ice, etc., should be avoided while the area is healing.

  6. No carbonated beverages during the first 72 hours.

  7. No sucking on a straw the first 24 hours.

  8. Take medications as prescribed.

  9. Some swelling is typical, but should be minimal.

  10. NO ibuprofen or NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Should there be any unusual swelling or pain during any time of the healing phase, please contact our office further instructions.